Discuss Trends In Consumer Banking.

Discuss Trends In Consumer Banking.

Discuss Trends In Consumer Banking: Big data, AI, and machine learning are being used more and more in retail banking to help make decisions. This trend has changed almost every part of banking, from how banks get new people to how they give them power. Along with this trend, other change and innovation trends that are changing the face of retail banking are built on top of it. It is clear that progress in technology has been the main force behind the evolution of private banking.


The invention of modern computers greatly sped up banking tasks and made calculations possible that weren’t possible before. The internet, which makes it easier to share information and makes the financial world smaller, is another huge step forward in technology for the retail banking business. And finally, over the last ten years, the number of people with smartphones has been growing quickly, which has led to a lot of people using mobile banking.


We think that AI and machine learning, along with big data, will bring about new waves of change in the future. Customer classification is a use case for big data. Micro-segmentation is one example of this. With more data and more powerful AI, retail banks can make client segments that are both dynamic and specific. The growth of big data analytics and the wider availability and knowledge of other types of data have made it easier for banks to use more useful data in a cost-effective way. Retail banking has been based on data for a long time. At every step of the customer path, data is used to make decisions.

But in the past, most banks didn’t have a good process or the right IT system to use the data to its fullest. But the way data was used before was only the tip of the storm. Every second, a huge amount of new data is created from different internal and external data sources. This data can be organized or not. Data can be “mined” for even more value when AI and machine learning are used together. Fine-grained customer segmentation can help create and sell highly customized goods and services, as well as find the best prices for goods.

Trends that will change the way customers interact with banks in 2023

1. Using Mobile App Data to Make Products and Services Better

Customer self-service is one of the banking trends that is growing the fastest. Because of mobility, customers can now fully access their bank’s resources from their phone or tablet anywhere they have Wi-Fi. This used to be a pipe dream but is now a basic assumption.

Mobile banking apps aren’t so much a nice-to-have these days as a need-to-have. Banks that don’t have them are severely lacking because customers have grown accustomed to the unparalleled ease of use that a mobile app offers. There is good news: making these apps is not hard at all. You can use a low-code creation platform or work with a vendor.

If your bank already has or just recently made a mobile banking app, the next step is to see if you’re making good use of the information from it. There is a lot of info that mobile apps collect that doesn’t help you or your customers if you don’t do anything with it. You can use data analytics platforms and machine learning algorithms to get useful information from this customer data. This information can then be used to create new products, make processes more efficient, give customers more power, and improve the total customer experience (CX).

2. The Branch of Tomorrow

Customers may not go to branches as often as they used to, but that doesn’t mean banks can ignore their physical sites. Most traditional banks knew early on that online banking was a threat to their business model. They also knew that small perks like free coffee and Wi-Fi weren’t enough to attract modern customers, and they knew that their physical branches would close if they didn’t make money.

Traditional banks have had to rethink what a branch can be and what the “branch of the future” should look like in order to compete with online banks and make the banking experience better for customers. Some banks have tried showroom-style layouts like those in Apple Stores, where rows of smartphones and other mobile devices with the bank’s app installed are set up so users can see how it works.

Some businesses have realized the value of face-to-face contact with customers and turned their physical locations into training centers for customers. Customers can get advice and learn how to use technology to make their money go further.

In an ideal world, the branch of the future would have both of these features, as well as self-service choices, a community space, and cutting-edge technology. This way, every customer could have a completely customized banking experience that fits their exact needs.

3. Giving Advice Services

Most people who use banks want to grow their money but don’t know where to start. Those who look for help online will probably find that the advice on financial sites is useful, but too general to be useful. This is a great chance for banks to improve the experience of their financial services customers by matching them with in-house financial advisers who can give them advice that is specific to their needs.

With customer relationship management (CRM) software, you can gather and analyze data to create in-depth profiles of each customer. Your in-house experts can then use these profiles to get a full picture of the customer and their specific situation. This amount of information is very useful because it lets advisors give customers personalized advice at every stage of their financial journey. This helps advisors build stronger relationships with customers and keep them coming back.

4. The Process of “humanizing” Computers

There’s still value in talking to a real person, even though AI and digital methods are the top banking customer experience trends for 2023. To do this, more and more banks offer a mix of AI and live help for customer service. This saves time and money while still giving customers the personal touch they want.

Some banks have gone one step further and are trying out different ways to make their chatbots and other AI services feel more human. For example, they are giving chatbot personalities, using personalized conversation starters, and using sentiment analysis to figure out how people are feeling and responding in the right way.

5. It will be Normal to have Conversations from now on

According to research by Deloitte, 70% of customers say that having the same experience across all channels is very or extremely important when picking a primary bank.

For example, you can move a chat to a new channel, like a phone call, without losing the full context of the client’s past interactions and purchases. This is called a conversational experience. Customers want help that doesn’t get in the way of what they’re doing.

For banks, this means making the customer journey easier by using online and mobile channels and building support into all of them so that interactions are uniform and linked.

6. Big Info and the ability to Analyze it

Data is a straightforward way to learn about customers and make services more relevant to them. That’s the reason why businesses keep making systems with advanced data. Big data processing is used by fintech market leaders to do many things, such as make detailed profiles of customers, offer personalized loans, look into spending trends, and make smart lending decisions.

When it comes to digital banking, following these market trends saves a lot of time for each customer request. It also makes sure that customers get more personalized services and that the company is very focused on them.

7. Finances Built-in

Banking customer trends affect other areas, especially those that work with customers and do a lot of business every day.

One common case is embedded finance, which means adding financial features to goods that aren’t fintech. Businesses like healthcare providers, online stores, stores, and others build payment, banking, insurance, and lending features into their goods. It lets people get financial services without having to switch to a site that isn’t fintech.

The $2.6 trillion in embedded finances that happen every day make up almost 5% of all US financial operations. It will be more than $7 trillion by 2027. As these kinds of digital banking user trends become more popular, more apps will soon have fintech features built in. Embedding payments is possible with services like Stripe, Resolve, Jaris, and Plaid.

8. AI makes things More Efficient, but people are still needed

AI and automation help companies increase productivity without hiring more people. They also free up advisors to do more important work and redirect common questions so agents can focus on having meaningful conversations with people and offering proactive support.

The Zendesk CX Trends Report says that 59 percent of business leaders have seen a measurable return on investment (ROI) from investments in AI. Meanwhile, 77 percent of customers say AI is helpful for simple problems.

But for more important jobs, many banking customers still prefer to talk to real people. Sixty-three percent of customers want to talk to bank employees one-on-one, which shows that the human touch is still very important to the banking experience.

9. Loyalty is based on Emotional Ties

For a bank to make money, they need to have good ties with their clients. It’s important for banks to understand how their customers feel so they can build personal ties that last.

In the U.S., Forrester found that the thing that makes people most loyal in both direct and multichannel banking is feeling like they are respected. 87 percent of direct banking customers who feel respected say they will stay loyal. This is also true when it comes to buying more and spreading the word about the brand. The numbers only go up for people who use more than one way to pay.

Banks need to try to understand how their customers feel and show that they care about how they’re feeling. As an example, looking at mood data to learn more about when and why they’re angry and getting feedback and fixing it.

10. The digital transformation: Better Customer Service will Come from Working together more

As digital skills get better, competition keeps getting tougher in every field. Companies must put the happiness of their customers first if they want to stay in business.

To look at customer data, make goods and services better, and win the trust of current and potential customers, businesses need to hire the right people and use the right technology. It’s important for technology teams to work together freely with people from other business units, like design and product development. This is something that our experts work on all day.

A lot of them love this because it lets them have a direct effect on the customer. Our experts can make service better, cut down on latency, and make the Chase Mobile app experience better for customers. We can do this with the help of customer data, research, and working together across teams.

Personalized experiences will help brands stand out from others in the same field.


The year 2023 will definitely be important for the financial world; it will be full of new banking trends, new rules, and technology changes. Built-in finance and green banking will stand out as the most important digital banking trends of 2023. There will be more changes in the market, and AI will help businesses cut costs. SaaS platforms will also keep making the experience of customers and users better. Two things are certain: first, customers will always want situations that are easier and don’t cause problems. On the other hand, they will believe and do business with the companies that meet their digital needs.

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